
Surrealism was a movement that flourished in Europe during the First and Second World Wars, mainly in literature and the visual arts. Surrealists opposed rationalism and literary realism, believing that the rational mind stifled the potential of the imagination. The lions aren’t on snow in the first snap, it’s unreal. AndrĂ© Breton took the second photo. He used all of these components to create a surreal face. AndrĂ© Breton (1896-1966), a writer, poet, and essayist, is best known as the surrealist theorist. The artist, a disciple of Tristan Tzara and other Dadaists, disassociated himself from the movement in the early 1920s, disillusioned by the Dada concepts. The first Surrealist Manifesto is published on this date, and it will enslave an entire generation of literary and artistic artists.

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