studio portraits

A photography studio will typically begin as a blank space, or an empty room. The photographer will then create backdrops and decide what to include and exclude from the photograph, such as models’ costumes and props. Let me introduce you to Brianne, who will be featured in the photographs I took. Brianna’s smile was already Read More…

National Geographic

National Geographic #839 has to be one of my faves because it features animals, which I adore. This one was particularly intriguing since, at this precise moment in history, we are discussing the entire crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and the front cover appeared to be tied to it.

Silhouette Photography article

Silhouetting is a technique that may be used to add glamour and intensity to a variety of everyday shots, such as still life’s, holiday photos, and even family photos. When used correctly, the method may add excitement and drama to ordinary images. The silhouette can be described as a well-defined, black shape that stands out Read More…

Painting with Light

Simply defined, ‘Painting with Light’ is a photography technique for creating lighting effects in-camera. It may be used to draw attention to specific parts of an image, create ghost images, and produce a variety of other amazing effects. This is a basic tutorial that will teach you how to use this approach. Projecting images, writing, Read More…